Tag Archives: tasty earrings

Tasty Earrings

29 Aug

So. I’ve been busy. I have started making earrings, and now I need your feedback. What is good, what is bad, which one do you like the most, and what other things should I make? These are the things I would like to know 🙂 I try to give you an impression of their scale in the pictures, but they are mostly about 1,5 cm, not including the hanger. They are all made of hardened clay, often called Fimo.

First off is the icecream! Yumyum!

Now for the ‘School bread’

So what do you think? Does it look better without the grated coconut?

Lemon cupcakes are up:



Cake and pie:

Cookies for a cookiemonster!

Lastly, the doughnut 🙂

So, that was alot of pictures.. Please tell me what you think. This is my repertoir for now, and I have some more ideas, but do tell me if you have any ideas what might be cool to hang from your ear!