Tag Archives: Genie


14 Aug

I made Genie as a big poster for a bachelorette party. It’s about 1 meter tall and made from colored cardboard. I made it by finding a picture I liked form the internet and printing it on a transparent sheet (the ones used for overheads). I would have posted the link to the original picture, but I can’t seem to find it. It was really just a sketch made by a talented drawer. Next I found a huge piece of blue cardboard and taped it to a wall. I used an overhead to shine the picture upon the cardboard and started drawing Genie with a fat permanent black marker. After going over the lines twice, I took it down and cut him out. To make the details, as the teeth, eyes, tongue, bracelets, etc, I taped up bits of the cardboard in the colors I wanted, overhead still running. Then I drew the bits and pieces, cut them out and glued them onto the ‘all blue’ Genie. VoilĂ !